Beginning Dowsers Tips & Practice Group
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Group Events
Here is a list of all events posted by our website admin for this group category.
Empowering Our Intuition Through Water Dowsing Techniques Event / 2-20-2021
The Appalachian Chapter of the American Society of Dowsers is pleased to offer a FREE Zoom Webinar from 1-3 pm EST, Saturday, February 20, 2021 featuring our two esteemed, long-experienced professional Water Dowsers, Marty Cain and Lee...
Group Articles
Here is a list of all articles posted by our website admin for this group category.
Dowsing Reflections 2022
Please click HERE to download the Dowsing Reflections 2022 article.
Questions & Answers for Dowsing
Please click HERE to download the article.
How Dowsing Works
Please click HERE to download the article.
Thoughts From A Dowsing Teacher
Please click HERE to download the article.
Lessons from the life of a Seeker
Dynamic presenter, Sandra Martin, Saturday, FEBRUARY 22 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM ( free dowsing class starts 11:00 AM) Lessons from the life of a SeekerMulti-Spiritually Transformative Experiencer, Sandra Martin Taking yoga and learning how to meditate in her...
Presentation: Dr. Henry Reed “Dream Helper Circle” and collaborative intuition.
September 15, 2018, Saturday Dr. Henry Reed, Atlantic University Everybody dreams several times a night, but its fewer than one person in three who remembers any dreams on a given morning. Many folks have heard about wonderful things that sometimes come through...
November Quarterly: Multi-Tier Dowsing School
November Quarterly: Multi-Tier Dowsing School On November 18 , Unity Center, Mills River NC at 1 PM, Dowsing classes at 11:15 AM Members free ● Nonmembers $10 the Appalachian Dowsers will again offer peeks of enlightenment with sequential presentations by three...
Tracking Hurricanes with Dowsing
Dowsers have a great opportunity to practice verifiable dowsing by creating a projected path of a hurricane and then seeing how the event actually played out. These events can be modified over time and reassessed. Lee Barnes, our President of the Appalachian Dowsers,...
Expert Intuition Education Group:
Expert Intuition Education Group: Expert Intuition is a trained skill that anyone can learn. Dowsing is a very easy way to SEE the results of your practice sessions. Worldwide there exist university programs held in physics departments and integrative medical...
Intuition Education develops critical thinking skills
The Enchanted Forest Intuitive Arts Camp has been teaching Dowsing since 2002 in the Western North Carolina area. Nancy Baumgarten, Camp Director collaborated with Lee Barnes, expert water dowser to develop playful games methods for teaching/learning the uses of...