Finding Objects, Treasure & Map Dowsing Group
Introduction & Group Abilities
If you are a member of Appalachian Dowsers and you are logged in, you may join the group listed below. If you join the group you or any member will have the following abilities.
- Ability to engage with other members in the group.
- Ability to invite other members to the group.
- Ability to create posts in group discussions.
- Ability to view other members in the group.
- Ability to like other member’s group posts and comments.
- Ability to comment on other member’s group posts.
Group Events
Here is a list of all events posted by our website admin for this group category.
Adventures in Cornwall England & Map Dowsing Event / 11-16-2019
We are pleased to have internationally known dowser and labyrinth maker, Marty Cain, MFA, who will present a class on Map Dowsing and slides of her recent visit to Sacred Sites in Cornwall, England, Saturday Nov. 16 1:00 pm - 3:30 PM at AB-Tech...
Group Articles
Here is a list of all articles posted by our website admin for this group category.
NOV 17 – Ginette Lucas Paranormal Insider: Finding Lost Items
Missing Persons and Objects Expert, GINETTE LUCAS “Almost Home: The Paranormal Insider” Dowsing for Missing Objects”Internationally-known missing persons and missing objects expert, Ginette Matacia Lucas, will share her process for finding missing objects including...
Finders & Map Dowsing Service GROUP
Finders & Map Dowsing Service GROUP: Susan Spuhler, former Boston Chapter Dowsers Board Member, demonstrating the map dowsing method. This Search & Recovery Dowsing Group is to foster the ability to find lost items, whether persons, animals or underground...