“Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health”

at Unity Center, Mills River NC   at 1 PM,  Members free ● Nonmembers $10
Free Dowsing classes at 11:15 AM
Emma Bragdon, PhD  Director, Integrative Mental Health for You 
Dr. Bragdon will describe her colorful journey in Brazil, 2001-2012, working at John of God’s Healing Center and with her associates at Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and Community centers.  She participated as a “sensitive” with the device-less dowsing practiced in Brazil. She will show a 30-min documentary film she co-produced called “Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality and Health.”   There will be a Q & A time,  and she will teach us some practices from Spiritism, such as blessing water (used as a vital adjunct to treatments) and clearing our own subtle bodies.
Spiritism is a 150-year-old wellness model that moves people towards spiritual evolution – a giant step beyond what is currently offered in mainstream medicine in the USA.  20- 50 million Brazilians use Spiritist practices as part of health management. EmmaBragdon.com and IMHU.org