Zoom Saturday, SEPT 3 Eastern Daylight Time
4:30 pm Eastern Daylight Time
With special guest
Master Dowser and Geomancer
Grahame Gardner

Live from Glasgow Scotland!
This Presentation Will NOT Be Recorded, Plan to Attend Live!
Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 82722474993
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 2247 4993
The Cochno Stone and Glasgow’s Secret Geometry
This talk looks at how prehistoric rock art – cup and ring marks, petroglyphs and so on – makes connections to the landscape
and the heavens above.
Could they be recording astronomical events, maps of landscape or even star charts?
Archaeologist Ludovic Mann certainly thought so, when he claimed that the Cochno Stone, just outside Glasgow, was an accurate map of the heavens.
His work still resonates down the decades, inspiring Harry Bell, who mapped out the leys of the Glasgow Network of Aligned Sites in the 1980s.
Grahame has carried this same baton for some 40 years and has now decided it’s time to do something with it.
Grahame has been dowsing professionally for over 20 years.
He is a Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and a regular presenter and workshop leader at international conferences.
Grahame is also a member of the Canadian and American Dowsing Societies, a founding member of The Geomancy Group, and is co-chair (with Susan Collins) of International Dowsers, dedicated to fostering greater links between British and North American dowsing techniques.
Find out more about Grahame at westerngeomancy.org/about-